Saturday, October 20, 2012

Skeletal Disease Letter (Arthritis)

October 20, 2012
Dear Mom,
            How have you been doing? Are you still busy with work? Have you been helping me water my plants? I’m hoping to see my flowers bloom when I come back for a visit, mom. I have been keeping up with the weather forecast in Indiana and it seems to be quite chilly. Well here in California, it has been really hot lately and on certain days, triple digits temperature arose. Well, always remember to take a good care of yourself when I’m not around you. Keep yourself warm and wear plenty of clothes. Nonetheless, I’m here today notifying you about a bad condition concerning my health.
I want to inform you about what has been happening to me lately. I’m really worried about my current leg condition and I don’t know whether it’s if I have inherited arthritis from dad or if it’s from my injury in soccer. Recently, my left foot has been swelling up to my ankle. Not only that, but I also feel pain on my left leg all the way to my knee. The swelling and pain started four months ago but has gotten worse. The pain feels as if a needle is jabbing my leg and the swell has troubled my sleep and appetite. The only way for me to relief the pain is to rest and pat my leg. Whenever I sit, I always have the need to rest my leg slightly high. Combining the symptoms altogether, I have a really high chance of receiving arthritis.
            Last Saturday, I went to see a specialist and took a physical examination. In my physical examination report, it was said that my left foot is slightly swollen and can only do limited movements compared to the right foot. The specialist gave me painkillers to reduce the swelling, but it only worked temporarily. So then, I went to see a rheumatologist where I took a blood, urine, joint fluid, and x-ray test. After coming back for several visits, my rheumatologist told me to treat the type of arthritis I have by doing physical therapy and drinking pain medication depending on my discomfort level. The doctor was very helpful and assured me on the understanding of the treatment and how the condition might affect me. Following the next few months, my feet hasn’t been as swollen and the pain got better. Walking up the stairs isn’t as painful for me anymore. Well, that’s about it, I hope you’re not as worried as I was.

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