Monday, October 15, 2012

Lit Circle (Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks) Chapters 1-2: Word Master

Lit Circle (Chapters 1-2): Word Master
1. Penicillin (page 14)
a group of antibiotics derived from Pencillium fungi
2. Syphilis (page 15)
a sexually transmitted infection caused by the spirochete bacterium Treponema pallidum
3. Asylum (page 15)
an institution for the maintenance and care of the mentally ill, orphans, or other persons requiring specialized assistance
4. Litany (page 16)
a form of prayer used in services and processions, and consisting of a number of petitions
5. Palpated (page 17)
to examine by touch, especially for the purpose of diagnosing disease or illness
6. Nicotine (page 19)
a colorless, oily, water-soluble, high-toxic, liquid alkaloid, found in tobacco and valued as insecticide
7. Booze (page 21)
any alcoholic beverage
8. Idyllic (page 24)
pleasing or picturesque in natural simplicity
9. Cinder Block (page 25)
a concrete building block made with a cinder aggregate 
10. Shanties (page 25)
a crudely build hut, cabin, or house 

The two words that I find the most important are penicillin and syphilis. Of all the words on the list, those two words taught me the most in terms of medical terms. 

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