Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Anatomy and Physiology

September 5, 2012
things that I've learned and things that I'm still confused about
Through the past weeks of being in Physiology, I've learned quite a lot of things. Being placed in this class taught me the eleven body's organ systems including the structural components and functions of them. There are plenty of visible landmarks on the surface of our bodies. Another knowledge that I've gained from this class is knowing the proper anatomical names of the anterior and posterior body landmarks. Now that I've learned the proper names, I can then refer to the different regions of the body by saying the name rather than just saying something like the armpit. One thing that I'm still confused about is the directional terms, more specifically, terms such as: superior, inferior, and superficial. Although, I do know the meaning of each and every one of them, I wouldn't know how to show it if someone was to ask me to. 

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