Saturday, October 20, 2012

The Ovarian Cancer Brochure by Sharon Lei

 what I learned from the ovarian cancer brochure
Illustration of ovarian cancer collage.After reading Sharon Lei’s brochure regarding the ovarian cancer, I learned quite a lot about it. Although there hasn’t been any evidence on why cancer starts in the ovary, we do know that there are factors contributing to it. The factors attributing to a higher chance of getting ovarian cancer includes: family history, age, obesity, pregnancy, and whether or not if you acquire breast cancer. Having ovarian cancer may not cause any obvious symptoms in the early stages but however, as the cancer grows, more symptoms begins to reveal. Bloating, pelvic or abdominal pain, indigestion, black pain, constipation, and pain with intercourse are all symptoms of the ovarian cancer. Whenever you feel any of the symptoms above, doctors will recommend a physical and pelvic examination to check for whether if it is due to cancer or to some other causes. Treatments are given depending on the stages of the cancer but generally, there are three main treatments for ovarian cancer. The three treatments to the ovarian cancer include: chemotherapy, surgery, and radiation. Of all the three treatments, surgery is the most successful but however, if there are any reoccurrence of the cancer, chemotherapy is needed. 

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