Monday, November 5, 2012

Lit Circle (The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks) Chapters 7-11: Discussion Master

Lit Circle (Chapters 7-11): Discussion Master
1. What actions did Gey take to stop cancer? (page 57)
2. Rather than shipping live cells in the mail, what did Gey do? (page 57)
3. Why were Henrietta's cell so precious? (page 58)
4. How did Carrel set out to prove that it was possible to keep tissue alive outside the body? (page 58)
5. Why was "benevolent deception" a common practice? (page 63)
6. Where were the tumors of her abdomen located? (page 65)
7. Why did George Gey never visit Henrietta in the hospital or said anything to her about her cells? (page 66)
8. To where did the tumors spread in her body? (page 83)
9. Why did people call Hector Henry, Cootie? (page 79)